One of the delights in attending worship at High Hilton Church, here in Aberdeen, is the music. Quite a change from the mélange of styles that I’d been accustomed to in the U.S. Actually this is a harking back to the sounds and strains from my growing-up days in India. Organ music and some terrific, “old-fashioned” congregational singing. Marvelous. Not that I have anything against amplified instruments, but, honestly, I really don’t mind the break. No, not at all!
And Drew! A gem of an organist, he’s been in the business of producing music for churches for decades. His operation of the keys and pedals is sensitive, skilled, stylish. Stirring with the voluntaries. Sparkling in his improvisation. Serious about Bach. What more could one want! Oh, and did I mention spiritual?
The other day, Sunday morning fell as usual upon Aberdeen, dreich (damp and dismal), rainin’ auld wives and pipe staples (coming down in gallons); it was right attery (stormy) that morning with the tousle (blustery) wind rather snell (biting), making everyone fair jeelit (icy cold). In other words, it “stunk” (from the Latin “stink, stank, stunk”)!
There was the usual hubbub in church before the service commenced—some folks catching up on the week’s happenings, other folks (yours faithfully, for instance) complaining bitterly about the weather and bemoaning their fate (and missing the glorious 100°F / 38°C mercuries of Texas). All of a sudden … did I hear it right? Yes, Drew was playing. No, it couldn’t be that. Not today. Not this morning of all mornings. Yes, it was! Indeed, it was!! Praise God, it was!!!
Franz Josef Haydn (1732–1807). No. 14 from his oratorio The Creation. The mighty chorus (with soli) “Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes” (“The heavens are telling the glory of God”). Grand and glorious. Click here for a minute of this great piece!
The Heavens are telling the glory of God,
The wonder of his work displays the firmament.
In all the lands resounds the word.
Never unperceived, ever understood.
The Heavens are telling the glory of God.
Taken straight from Psalm 19.
of the glory of God.
And their expanse is declaring
the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech,
nor are there words;
Their voice is not heard.
Psalms 19:1–3
And I couldn’t help wondering that dank, damp, and dreary morning—What a choice of a prelude! And how true! Reality is what is beyond vision and sense, what is beyond cloud and storm. Reality is who God is, what God says, where God is. Truth!
Therefore, the Scriptures enjoin us …
not on the things that are on earth.
Colossians 3:2
For we are now partakers of a new Reality, a better Reality, an eternal Reality. That is why in these days of darkness, dire situations, and desperate happenings, we are bidden to be of good courage. We belong elsewhere.
we are at home in the body
we are absent from the Lord
—for we walk by faith
not by sight—
we are of good courage ….
2 Corinthians 5:6–8
The heavens may be gray and dull, hard and unyielding, thundering and sleeting. But with one voice they are declaring the glory of their Creator, our great God. He reigns! Child of God, be of good courage! And let’s join the heavens to proclaim Him!