Sunday, March 14, 2010


Nope, this is not in the Netherlands. Believe it or not, this is 6000+ miles from that country. In Malacca, Malaysia—I was there last year. Why a windmill there, you ask? Simple answer: impact!

The history of Malacca goes back to the 1400s and has changed hands several times—from the Javanese to the Portuguese to the Dutch to the British and finally to the Malaysians. The windmill is a remnant of the town’s Dutch colonial days, that lasted for about two centuries, until Malacca was assigned to the British in the early 1800s.

In fact, in the center of Malacca is the “Dutch” Square, a familiar and popular tourist landmark. There is even a “Stadthuys” (State House) there, where the Dutch governor lived. And a majestic Christ Church (completed 1753), which used to be Dutch Reformed in inclination, until the British made it Anglican. That church is supposedly the oldest Dutch church building found outside the Netherlands; memorial plaques within pay tribute to the various de Winds, Westerhouts, Neubronners, Koeks, etc.

Far, far away from the fatherland, but still with an impact that has been longlasting. And there, close to the Dutch Square is this fascinating windmill, a memoir of bygone days, a vestige of what was. Nonetheless it signifies an impact left on the town by a powerful influence in its past.

The other day, I mentioned the “redwoods” in our lives and the legacy they left for us. That relay race doesn’t stop there. The baton doesn’t end its journey when it is handed over to us. Who are we going to pass it on to? What impact will we have for those running the next lap.

For those of you who are married, the identity of the next generation is obvious.

For I am mindful of the
sincere faith within you,
which first dwelt
in your grandmother Lois
and your mother Eunice ….
2 Timothy 1:5

Paul clearly acknowledges and commends the impact of parents and grandparents upon posterity.

You, however, continue
in the things you have learned
and become convinced of,
knowing from whom
you have learned them,
and that from childhood
you have known the sacred writings
which are able to give you
the wisdom that leads to salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:14–15

For those of us singles, our impact will be upon spiritual children, not our physical ones. In fact, God promises a significant and lasting impact for those celibates who serve Him.

[To those singles who] choose
what pleases Me,
and hold fast My covenant,
to them I will give in My house
and within My walls a memorial,
and a name better than that
of sons and daughters;
I will give them
an everlasting name
which will not be cut off.
Isaiah 56:4–5

Paul makes his own impact clear, “mothering” and “fathering” those he mentored.

But we proved to be
gentle among you,
as a nursing mother
tenderly cares for her own children.
Having so fond an affection for you,
we were well-pleased to impart to you
not only the gospel of God
but also our own lives ….
… you know how we were exhorting
and encouraging and imploring
each one of you as a father
would his own children,
so that you would walk in a manner
worthy of the God who calls you
into His own kingdom and glory.
1 Thessalonians 2:7–8, 11–12

Not just enough to thank the redwoods in our lives; we must be redwoods ourselves and leave an impact. Let’s go raise those windmills!

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