Monday, September 05, 2005


August 27, 2005

Well, the deed's done (literally!). Signed off the house, money was wired into my account, keys were handed over! I have until tomorrow 6:00 pm to vacate. Cell phone's active until that day, too.

God's been gracious in the less-than-2-week sale of the house. And also for past few years of my life here in 4039 Azure. Momentous and life-shaping five years!

Now for the next chapter .... Thanks for your continued prayers for me. May I make known a few more requests?


Had an external hard drive crash last night--nothing to major lost, except some pictures (which, of course, turn out to be irreplaceable). I am hopeful of getting back some of the data. Please pray that I'll find the right person to do the job. And, usually, I've seen things like this (computer problems) happen as I embark on some ministry venture. This time seems to be no different. So please also pray for protection for me as the days draw closer to my departure.

Apartment in Scotland is not finalized yet. Please pray that it would be, before I leave here on the 19th of Sep.

Finishing up with derm patients--leaving my practice is not as easy as I thought it would be. I am going to miss my patients, staff, fellow-dermatologist .... All the "goodbyeing" is promising to be painful. A "good" kinda pain, but pain, nonetheless.

Settling in to Aberdeen.

Safe transportation of goods.


Finding favor with supervisor (Prof. Francis Watson).

Expeditious and efficient completion of dissertation.

Ministry opportunities (esp. preaching) in Scotland.

Practice opportunities (to do derm, that is), perhaps in the Eastern US.

Thank you for partnering with me on this enterprise. God's blessings on you!

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